Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday Memories-Engaged!!

*dining room decor...
Last Monday evening our son Nick asked his lovely girl to become his bride...
He got 4 of his friends to help him out as she was sent on a sort of scavenger hunt which ended at the Old Church in Portland. All the details weren't shared with me but I do know that he learned to play one song on a piano and then sang to her. They showed up at the house afterward and were greeted by friends and family.
*Just walking in...
*the ring with the diamond from my mom's ring...
showing papa...
*door decor....
*living room decor...
*mantel decor...
*hallway decor...(these two were made by amy)
*gotta have cupcakes...
we are looking forward to July...

Welcome to the family miss gabriele!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


That is what life has been for me much to be thankful for....
a small part of a longer list!
1. shopping trips
2. faithful friends
3. supportive family
4. my functional kitchen
5. $ to buy food, etc.
6. a good tired
7. engagement parties
8. gathering those close to us near
9. accomplishing all on my to-do list
10. beautiful weather

and you, thanks for sharing my life with me!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

November photos

November is typically our time to wind up the fast pace of Senior photography season. Orders coming in and orders going out. This year however we were blessed and had portraits to take.
The first photo is of our backyard neighbors. When they called and said they had a senior we both were taken aback...wasn't it just last week we saw them waiting for their son's schoolbus?
Anyway, it was fun to interact with the whole family together instead of just listening to them playing in their own back yard.
This next photo is Josie, she is just 16 but is graduating. We always laugh when we see the torn up jeans...we would have thrown them out when we were teens!
And then the three guys we had this month. Each was very comfortable in front of the camera, which makes our job so much easier...
Tomorrow we are scheduled for another family and another senior. We will see if that happens or not!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday

1. God's promises
2. New focus
3. Celebrating family
4. Dear friends
5. New coats-thanks Teri :)
6. New pajamas
7. Magazines
8. Smiles
9. Colorful pens
10.Blustery daysa blurry picture is better than no picture-right!?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday memories

In September I saw the movie "UP" with the family-loved it!

A few weeks ago as I was awaiting Gary who was in a Photo Equipment shop I decided to pop out of the car and look are some images I took and then played with a bit in photoshop.

If you get inspired be sure to share your images!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thankful Thursday (on Friday!)

1. All day shopping trips
2. Christmas secrets
3. Breaks in the weather
4. a Good mystery book
5. Thanksgiving day plans
6. Cozy blankets
7. New soft office chair
8. Photo books
9. Christmas music as I craft
10. Cocoa with cool whip
bonus one: sweet puppies in the shop window

Saturday, November 7, 2009

8 years!

My mom was a vivacious, brilliant woman who passed away 8 years ago today. I remember her teaching me to crochet and guiding me as I began sewing. She was always excited for me as I finished projects and encouraged my cooking skills. I loved her sense of humor and the fact that she was always ready to celebrate-whatever the occasion may have been.
Today I spent with my daughter. We shopped and crafted and laughed. I do so enjoy my time I get to spend with her. I hope that when she has children that God will bless her with a daughter too, just so she will share the special love a mom has for her girl. I think she got some of my mom's love of life...
thanks for today sweetie...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thankful Thursday

1. Chalk markers-no dust!
2. Another successful Goodwill journey
3. Sun and rain in the same day
4. Christmas catalogs
5. New things for the house
6. Garden in "put to bed" for the winter
7. All day Saturday with Amy
8. New magazines
9. Sunday paper delivered to my door
10.Internet banking

the puppy picture was taken to cheer Gary up after I ran over him! See last post...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Poor Gary

Let me preface this blog with the fact that the ankle in this photo no longer looks this bad!!

So Gary was saying that I told about falling off my little deck but didn't tell about his getting run over by I didn't really run him over just got a little too close...

I was dropping him off and suggested he get the mail, at the exact moment I started pulling up and away he checked the mail and the tire scrapped up over his heal. Of course I felt horrible and did administer first aid (okay, I did laugh...) When Amy was checking it out she thought it needed the little frownie face.

So now I think he is done talking about running him over-if you would like to leave him condolences his email is

the end...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Feeling better...

Continued from last night late...
Before I went to bed I was playing a mental list of all the things I wanted to get done in the next few days. Life is feeling cluttered and out of control. Then son's alarm in another room woke me at 5! I got up and got my DH breakfast and read emails and did go back to bed. When I woke at my regular time I got onto the computer and wasted about an hour. Still trying to figure out what to accomplish today. Then I got dressed and went to Curves. Booked a client and worked in the yard for 3 hrs!! Made dinner, baked cookies for husband's office, cleaned the bathroom, decluttered bedroom, did the floors, cleaned the kitchen, called a bunch of clients and set up appts. ,watched TV, took a soak, and am now just winding down in front of the computer. but and arms hurt a bit but it feels good to have gotten so much done. Tomorrow I am paying a friend to come and help do the fall cleanup in the backyard. I do have

The first photo shows one of two piles about 4 ft. tall that is what came of clearing the front yard for winter.
This photo shows the yard almost done. Normally you can's see dirt at all. I really need to get some plants so the yard isn't bare all winter. Now to mulch and then attack the back yard that is way bigger than the front!

What a good tired...

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I'm feeling a bit unfocused as I look at the week ahead. Things need to get done like the yard clean-up and house cleaned. Exercising and scrapbooking and figuring out my Christmas cards.
People to call for work and a Shutterfly order to enter. I am also feeling my house and cottage are too cluttered. Need to streamline...Maybe it will be better after a good nights sleep. Oh and Gary is out of town Friday-Sunday so that should help a bit too since then I will just have me to take care of. Oh and when my chitlins' visit!
thanks for stopping by...