Friday, February 13, 2009

The sixth (6th)

So my DD has tagged me with this interesting exercise. (the only kind of exercise I like :0)
I followed the instructions fairly closely. I had to add an extra step because I have my photos so organized. So I did the sixth, 6th, sixth...see instructions below for more of an explanation.

This is the photo that came up-it is one my DH took of a building in Portland (I think). I love how the graphic detail of the building pop against the dark sky.

And now to tag 6 more people...
1. DH-Gary
2. Teri
3. Michelle
4. Heidi
5. Analise
6. Karla
So what you are supposed to do is:
Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.
1. Pick the 6th Folder, then select the the 6th picture in that folder.
2. Post that picture on your blog and the story that goes along with the picture.
3. Tag 6 other people that you know or don’t know, to do the same thing and leave a comment on their blog or an e-mail letting them know you chose them.

Hope they'll all play, you should visit their sites and see why I love them and their creativity!

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