In anticipation of Easter Sunday I spent Saturday making a special lunch. I baked a quiche and
resurrection rolls. Made a salad and cut up a huge batch of strawberries.
But Sunday turned out way different than I anticipated....Saturday night Gary headed off to a local restaurant to hear a Beatles tribute band and I settled in for a night watching tv. And then I got a call from Amy saying she was having some cramping and was heading home from a friends house. Another call a bit later saying she was going to the hospital. I called Gary and left a message letting him know what was happening. But told him to enjoy the concert because it was likely to be hours before anything happened. I called Gabriele and asked if they were heading to the hospital and if they would pick me up. Shortly after arriving, Gary showed up. He didn't take my advice-good thing because a short time later Karl came out and said Amy had dilated from 3 to 8! Things were happening faster than I thought possible...
After a bit more waiting Gabriele and I went and listened outside the door and soon were rewarded by hearing "Hi baby"...
At 3:28am on Easter morning we welcomed Evan James Baumgarten. All 6 pounds, 6 ounces and 20 inches of him. There has been
a lot of this-and this-

Here are a few to enjoy....

little face....
little toes....
little stretch....
lotta sleeping....
little bit of peekin' at Mimi...
little bit of crying....
lots of adoration by papa....
and momma....
a little face that seems to say "yeah I'm cute"....
his prized possession....

bringing momma to tears of joy....

"give me that baby"....
"hey Evan-I am so glad you are here"....
close up from auntie Krista....
and one from uncle Nick....
Baumgarten men....
Auntie Gabriele and Uncle Nick...
honorary auntie Megan and uncle Jordan...

Just as Christians nationwide celebrate the
Hope that came with the empty tomb we are celebrating
Hope in a different way. Hope that the new generation will be able to change the world for the better but still hold onto the roots of it's ancestors. The hope that we all will make the world better just by being in it...