Wednesday, September 15, 2010

In 1987...

On the night (morning) that you were born-the angels got together and created a dream come true. They sprinkled moondust (they liked glitter too) in your hair and golden starlight in your eyes of blue ( brown) ...

On this night in 1987 we were dreaming of a new kind of life. We had a little family that we loved but it was missing something. Or someone~we had no idea that our life could only get better. This was the night before our Nicholas was born. It was a planned cesarean (tmi?) birth so we knew for sure when it would happen. Miss Amy would be dropped off in the early morning and then we would head to the hospital.

We received a lovely boy who came out ready to greet the world and he continues to show the same eagerness.
I love this photo of my two men!

A little glimpse of his papers...and his tiny feet....Nick-this will be an interesting and exciting year for you as you wade through your first year of marriage. May it be as full and lovely as ours has been-
♥♥♥ Your mommy's heart and soul loves you ♥♥♥

1 comment:

Canazzi said...

We are truly blessed, and life would just not be the same without him. With Gabriele we now have someone else to be part of our family. Life is good.

thanks for stopping by...