Friday, October 16, 2009


for some reason-today the font size won't change-I am not screaming at you...

3:30 am...3:31 am...3:32 am

This morning that is what I saw when I woke up-very warm-with no covers on. As I began to process why I was so warm, with no covers, in a room with a closed heater vent a few things ran through my mind. Besides the obvious of do I need to use the restroom? Yes. Am I awake enough to do this? Yes. Am I so awake I should stay up once up? Maybe. Why the heck am I so warm? Am I doing a peri-menopause/menopause thing? I don't know. So I got up and did what I needed to and then of course I was thirsty and by then I was up and mostly alert. So I thought I'll blog hop for a bit to clear my mind. Worked for a while and then I had to reboot-twice. Then it worked for about a half hour-then had to reboot. Buggers, guess I'll go back to bed but it is now 4:30 and I am afraid of waking Gary. It happens lots of times and he has been working his two jobs so hard lately,
I'll just read for a bit...until 5:15. Can't keep eyes open anymore-must sleep. I'm walking into the room and he tells me to turn the alarm off. I almost jumped out of my skin. He was awake! Shoot, maybe I could have come in earlier...fell asleep almost instantly and awoke at 9:30...good thing I didn't have to get anyone off to school! Came out and opened the kitchen window and my car is out front. Why did my car get moved from the carport? Oh no, my car is in the carport-that must be Gabriele's car out front. They must have gone for breakfast...
So now you know how my brain works on little sleep and why I need to-do lists!

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